Disclaimer and that sorta stuff...

Nothing that I say, think, write, print, draw, paint, craft, form, assemble, create, type, pantomime, do, perform, indicate, infer or intimate is intended in any way to reflect, criticize, evaluate, slander, infringe, satirize, libel, or interpret any action or event involving any person, place or thing, real or imagined, copyrighted, trademarked, unnoted or unnoticed, in this or any other real or fictional timeline, dimension, or state of being or unbeing.

Everything I produce is the truth as I perceive it at the time of production, unless I am massaging the truth for effect. If you feel that my perception is inaccurate, please educate me (gently). If you don't like it, don't read it.

Privacy Policy:
No information is currently collected about anyone connecting to or using this site, so no information can or will be used, shared or distributed. This policy will be updated at such time as any information is collected.

Site design, content, programming, photographs and graphics by Mike Fernandez. Some photographs or graphics by others may be included on the site, and identified as such.

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Mike Fernandez

Document URL: http://DoublesCats.com/Historical/disclaimer.htm
Copyright ©1995-2008, Michael Fernandez. All rights reserved.